Beast Master and Prince -Flower & Snow- 猛獣使いと王子様 Vita版ゲット〜!

COULD.NOT.RESIST I was supposed to sell some of my old games on lashinban and as you know kaitori on lashinban takes forever, so I decided to 'stroll' on their shop, and that's the best worst decision ever when you try to lock your おさいふ ;;w;; I saw it I saw something that's already on my … Continue reading Beast Master and Prince -Flower & Snow- 猛獣使いと王子様 Vita版ゲット〜!

Rakuen no Uta 2 -last vol- [楽園のうた2]

nante suteki na pair desu nee~~~~ >////////////////////< so, Kamiyan, jyanakutte, Nachi, have cut his ties with his senpai~~ and somehow, he become a lil' bit close with Chris's friend [forgot his name LOL] but, somehow i know this friend was chibi. actually, at first he didn't really like Nachi, but somehow after talking and then … Continue reading Rakuen no Uta 2 -last vol- [楽園のうた2]